Author Archives: Anissa Mosera


Is Alzheimer’s Disease Hereditary?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. There are many different types of Alzheimer’s disease, and the risk factors and causes for each one can vary. According to The Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 6.5 million Amer...

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Fall Prevention: Consequences of Frequent Falls and How to Minimize It

Falls happen when a person loses balance and immobility, resulting in collapses. And as we all know, especially for people who reach the age of 65, falls are often seen as normal. However, falls in older adults must be taken very seriously. According...

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Caregiving Is Not As Easy As You Think

Would anyone consider caregiving a stressful job? No need to ask, because it really is stressful. If you think caregiving is an act of offering help and doing basic household or daily tasks for the elderly, this is the time where we’re going to deb...

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This Is What Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Are, and What’s Common...

According to Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 6.5 million Americans aged 65+ are living with Alzheimer’s today, while 73% are age 75 or older. And there’s no doubt that the number might go higher (and it definitely will) every day. Th...

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How Does Aging Affect Sleep?

Sleeping is considered a vigorous routine to maintain your overall health. However, when you grow old, you might find it hard to fall asleep easily. Did you know that your total sleep time gradually decreases as you age? So how does aging affects you...

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These 5 Important Ways Can Help Seniors Boost Their Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is deemed as one of the important aspects we should be focusing on improving as human beings. Do you know why? Well, it affects everything we do! From simply waking up in the morning, whether you feel that your day is gonna be great or n...

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